Where to Ride Like a Local

Whether its MTB, Road, Gravel or a Family Friendly Ride, here are our favorite local rides.

Local MTB Rides

Brown Canyon

Brown Canyon Mountain Bike Rides
10 miles
1064 ft elevation

Beginner/Intermediate Skills
Intermediate Fitness
Starts at Cherokee Lot

The local favorite. A little climb, a fun downhill. It doesn't get old and it's the staple of the Wednesday Night Ride.

From the Cherokee parking lot, all of the trails to the east as well as the first few miles to the west are very beginner friendly. Once you start up into the trees to the west, your fitness and skill levels should be more intermediate. A nice thing about Brown is you can always turn around and almost coast back downhill to the start.

The ride map and gps files include 2 laps of the loop and some side trails equaling 16.5 miles and twice the elevation but you can do the outer loop that's most common. These side trails are marked in black on the map below.

Popular Strava segments:
Brown Canyon Climb
BaeBee Headz Yo!
Trough to the Y

Cooper Loop

Cooper Loop Mountain Bike Ride
10 miles
1540 ft elevation

Intermediate Skills
Excellent Fitness
Starts at Miller Canyon Lower Lot

Cooper Loop is most commonly ridden counter-clockwise. It consists of Perimeter Trail, Carr Canyon Road, Clark Springs Trail, John Cooper Trail and the Miller Canyon descent. Most riders prefer to start at the beginning of Perimeter Trail which is considered the most challenging part of the ride. This also means you finish the ride with the Miller Canyon descent, arguably the best part of the ride.

Ride options include starting from the lower parking lot on Carr Canyon Rd, (mile 3.7 on the map) and if you're really ambitious, continue up to the top of Carr Canyon Rd, then descend back down to the Clark Springs Trail to continue the loop.

On Clark Springs, then Cooper Trail there are two very sharp left turns, almost full U-turns to watch for. They can be easy to miss even though they're marked. The first is at mile 6.35 and leads into the Cooper Switchbacks. The second is at mile 7.6 and drops to the Miller Canyon upper parking lot.

Popular Strava segments:
Perimeter First Climb
Carr Climb Lot to Trl Head
Going Down

Hunter Canyon

Hunter Canyon Mountain Bike Rides
2260 ft elevation

Beginner/Intermediate Skills
Intermediate Fitness
Starts at Hunter Canyon

Hunter Canyon offers a network of trails with something for everyone. There's definitely some climbing to be had. You'll find fast, flowy downhills, some with tight twisty turns and a good share of well groomed, dry creekbed trails. Did we mention climbing?

The ride below covers the whole trail network in one ride. It's The Whole Taquito. Click the More Hunter Canyon Rides button to find more rides including an easy ride and Lynngitimate, the newest Mountain Bike Trail in Cochise County that's quickly becoming a favorite.

You'll also find a challenging ride across Lynngitimate that takes you to Cooper Loop, then back. Hunter Canyon has become a popular destination and start point for local mountain biking.

Strava Route Note: Strava's route tool does not do well on Hunter. It routes to the roads, not the trails the route is based on. The better option is to either load the gpx file onto your device or use one of the Ride With GPS files along with their app.

Popular Strava segments:
Orion UP
soul crusher
Red Barchetta

Wren Arena

Wren Arena Mountain Bike Ride
6.7 miles
627 ft elevation

Beginner/Intermediate Skills
Intermediate Fitness
Starts at Wren Arena

*Ft. Huachuca pass required. 

Wren Arena is the site of Ft. Huachuca's Equestrian area but also the site of the NICA High School Mountain Biking Race Course. It was also an MBAA course in past years. 

Most of Wren is beginner friendly with the exception of the Marshall Ridge Climb (marked in black on the map below) and the west side being more intermediate.

The ride map and gps files include 1 lap with Marshall Ridge included followed by 2 laps of the NICA HS2016 course and 1 lap of the shorter Middle School course for a total of 16.5 miles.

Popular Strava segments:
Let it FLOW !!!
2014 MBAA Foray-Coyote Lap

Arizona Trail

Arizona Trail Mountain Bike Rides
19 miles
1281 ft elevation

Beginner/Intermediate Skills
Beginner/Intermediate Fitness
Starts at Sahuarita Rd

So it's not local but many locals like to make the 1 hour drive because it's a great area to ride.

The AZT-Sahuarita towards Pistol Hill ride starts at Sahuarita Rd and Hwy 83. It's mostly beginner friendly and as an out and back, you can turn around whenever you're ready. Most people ride it about 2-3 miles past Three Bridges.

Popular Strava segments:
I-10 Gate to Old Soniota Hwy
Three Bridges to Top of Hill
Pistol Hill to Three Bridges

McKenzie Ranch

McKenzie Ranch Mountain Bike Ride
10 miles per lap
654 ft elevation per lap

Beginner Skills
Beginner/Intermediate Fitness
Starts at McKenzie Ranch

McKenzie Ranch is a 1,700 acre open space park on the far east side of Pima County in the Cienega Creek Preserve. Like the Arizona Trail, it's about an hour's drive from Sierra Vista and many locals make a couple of trips each year, typically in the fall, winter or spring.

The trail system consists of two loops totaling about 10 miles and is purpose built for mountain biking. It is very beginner friendly with virtually no technical features. The climbs are gradual and the downhills are fast and flowy. This route includes 2 laps.

There are no services so take plenty of food and water. Weekends can be a little crowded but the course is one-way (clockwise) so it accommodates more people than many places.

Popular Strava segments:
McKenzie Ranch Lap
McK Ranch Southern comfort
McKenzie Ranch The Long Way

Road Rides


Coronado National Memorial Bicycle Road Ride
36 miles
2580 ft. elevation
Starts at Cherokee Lot

It's as easy as you make it. Cruise along at a social pace or hammer it hard. Stop at the Coronado National Memorial Visitor's Center for a bathroom break or water. The turnaround is at the end of the pavement but if you're not shy of washboard gravel and dirt, continue to the top of Montezuma Pass for some nice views.

Add the Cross climb at mile 24 on the way back for a steep challenge. Take a left on Stone Ridge Rd, right on Prince Placer Rd. Its marked in black on the map below and included in the gps files.

Popular Strava segments:
Coronado Full Road Climb
W Montezuma Canyon Rd
Arizona 92 Climb

Bisbee Loop

Bisbee Loop Bicycle Road Ride
63.5 miles
3188 ft. elevation

The Bisbee Loop is a staple of Cochise County Road rides and featured on some local annual events. This route takes you through Bisbee giving you the option to stop for coffee, lunch or just browsing around. Optionally, you can stay on Hwy 80 bypassing the town and exit just before the tunnel to go over Mule Pass. Riding through the tunnel is not recommended. This route avoids the tunnel by going over it on Mule Pass.

Enjoy the view at the top of Mule Pass before the long descent to the left turn at Hwy 90 and the continued descent to the San Pedro River.

Popular Strava segments:
Ramsey to Bisbee
Mine Pit Climb: Lowell School to Bisbee
Over Mule Pass Tunnel

Bisbee Coffee Run

Bisbee Coffee Run Bicycle Road Ride
48.2 miles
3175 ft. elevation

A shorter alternative to the Bisbee Loop with a stop for coffee or lunch.

This route avoids the tunnel by going over it on Mule Pass.

The out and back is preferred by some because the roads are a bit rougher on the south end of the Bisbee Loop on Highway 92.

Popular Strava segments:
Mule Mtn
Up, up Mule Mtn
San Pedro Sprint Climb

Sierra Vista West

Sierra Vista West Bicycle Ride
11.1 miles
303 ft. elevation

Off the beaten path. This is an easy 11 mile ride through local neighborhoods, parks and back-alley paths on the west side of Sierra Vista.

The West End section of this route takes you within a block of Sierra Vista's famous 143 Street Tacos and right past Tombstone Brewing Company.

Popular Strava segments:
TC path
downward slope

Tombstone Loop

Tombstone Loop Bicycle Road Ride
54.68 miles
1902 ft. elevation
Starts at Cherokee Lot

Otherwise known as the Surge route, the Tombstone Loop starts and finishes at the Cherokee lot but includes most of the former Surge route. Like most longer rides around here it is isolated. Highway 82 starts with 10 miles of a slight downhill to the San Pedro River and is a good place to push it. If you're not in a hurry, pedal around Tombstone a little before the trek back on Charleston Rd to Sierra Vista.

Convenience stores are located in Huachuca City, Whetstone and Tombstone but otherwise it's open road with no services.

Popular Strava segments:
San Pedro Surge Full Course
Fairbank to Hiway 80
Last F'n Climb!

Parker Canyon Lake

Parker Canyon Lake Bicycle Road Ride
63 miles
4938 ft. elevation
Starts at Cherokee Lot

*Ft. Huachuca pass required.

This is a scenic, low traffic out and back to Parker Canyon Lake. While there is a store open seasonally and a water fountain and bathrooms at the campground, bring plenty of food and water for the isolated journey. There are no shortage of punchy climbs.

The route map below includes the optional 1 mile detour to the campground bathrooms and water fountain marked in black.

Popular Strava segments:
W Gate to Parker
Parker to West Gate
Cimarron Rd Climb

Gravel Rides

Tour de Unpaved

Tour de Unpaved Gravel Bike Ride
35.4 miles
1306 ft elevation

Starts at Cherokee Lot

A good winter ride, when you want the sun exposure and low elevation. Not a great ride on a hot or windy day. It's not as scenic as the San Rafael Valley but you'll go places you've never been.

There are endless ways to cut it shorter or stretch it out. This ride could easily be split into two rides; a Northwest section and a Southeast section split at about the 8 mile mark.

Popular Strava segments:
Cherokee to BST
Andrews to Buffalo Soldier

Ft. Huachuca Gravel

Ft Huachuca Gravel Bike Ride
15.1 miles
728 ft elevation

Starts at Range Control

*Ft. Huachuca pass required. Park at Range Control and check for any range closures.

While the San Rafael Valley and Santa Rita Mountains are known for their excellent gravel routes, Ft Huachuca is not to be overlooked. It's local which means it can be a quick after work ride when you don't have time to dedicate the whole day or you just want to stay close to home. If you're lucky, you might see a herd of pronghorn antelope.

As with any ride off the beaten path on Ft Huachuca, its always a good idea to check with Range Control (520) 533-1014 to make sure you're not heading into a live fire or closed range.

Popular Strava segments:
Windmill Hill
Let the pain begin
Site Boston to the pavement

Garden Canyon

Garden Canyon Gravel Bike Ride
40 miles
3330 ft elevation

Starts at Cherokee Lot

*Ft. Huachuca pass required.

A cool spot in the hot summer and the scenery is great. You'll find the best fall colors around in Garden Canyon in the fall. At the top, head to the right for the optional punishing climb to Gate 7 or head left up Sawmill trail through the pine trees. Both are marked in black on the map below.

The first 15 miles to the mouth of the canyon are mostly pavement but included to give you the option of a longer distance and starting at the Cherokee lot. Shorten the ride and lessen the pavement by starting somewhere along the route if you'd rather.

Popular Strava segments:
Aerostat Turn-off to First Wash
Garden Canyon Uphill
Garden Canyon Downhill

Huachuca Canyon

Huachuca Canyon Gravel Bike Ride
27 miles
2541 ft elevation

Starts at Cherokee Lot

*Ft. Huachuca pass required.

Like Garden Canyon, Huachuca Canyon is a nice, isolated climb through scenic trees. The roadbed is a bit more chunky than Garden Canyon. The farther up the canyon you go, the more it becomes mountain bike terrain. Our map includes the optional High Huachuca Canyon Loop, not for the faint of heart. Also watch for the 1.4 mile section of downhill single track about mile 17.5 on the right coming down. Both are marked in black on the map below.

The first 9 miles to the mouth of the canyon are pavement. That's a good place to start if you want to shorten the ride and amount of pavement.

Popular Strava segments:
Huachuca Canyon Climb
High Huachuca Canyon Climb
Huachuca Canyon Trail Downhill

San Rafael Valley

San Rafael Valley Gravel Bike Ride
62.2 miles
4671 ft elevation

Starts at Canelo

The San Rafael Valley will wow you as will the Patagonia Mountains and Canelo Hills. The San Rafael Natural Area is home to the largest remaining natural grassland in the Southwest.

This ride is not for the novice or inexperienced. The terrain is challenging, the area very isolated and there are no services. There is a bailout at mile 25.8 that will cut the ride to 42.5 miles if you turn north on Patagonia-San Rafael Rd (Forest Road 813). Follow it to San Rafael Valley Rd, turn left and continue north rejoining the original route at about mile 54. This shaves 20 miles and almost 1700 ft of elevation from the ride.

Popular Strava segments:
climb to duquesne rd
Harshaw Road Climb
Canelo Pass Rd Climb

Santa Rita Rd-Greaterville

Santa Rita Rd-Greaterville Gravel Bike Ride
35.2 miles
2035 ft elevation

Starts at Sonoita

Our favorite ride for this area starts at the Copper Brothel Brewery in Sonoita because that's where we want it to end.

Like the San Rafael Valley, the east foothills of the Santa Rita Mountains features stunning views and seemingly endless miles of riding. Santa Rita Rd is a gravel bikers dream surface. It slowly transitions to more traditional double track as it winds around through Gardner Canyon towards Greaterville, bypassing Kentucky Camp. This route runs through a few accesses to the Arizona Trail and passes the road going to Melendrez Pass.

Winding down through Fish Camp Rd and Gardner Canyon Rd, the last portion of the ride east of Hwy 83 gives you a taste of the Empire Ranch area before returning to the Copper Brothel Brewery in Sonoita for post-ride food and beer.

There are no services outside of Sonoita. The route is very isolated. Plan on riding self supported.

Popular Strava segments:
M.O.A.B. Climb 'n Shred

Family Friendly Rides

Mall Loop

Mall Loop Bicycle Trail
Family Friendly Paved
5 miles
125 ft elevation

Starts at Sierra Vista Mall

Sierra Vista has a nice network of paved trails and this 5 mile loop is a family favorite. The terrain is about as flat as it gets around here and you're never far from civilization.

Popular Strava segments:
Hwy 92 mall to BST
Coming in hot

Garden Canyon Linear Park

Garden Canyon Linear Park Bicycle Trail
Family Friendly Dirt
4.24 miles
147 ft elevation

Starts at Cherokee Lot

A network of beginner friendly trails to get your tires dusty. These trails are perfect for that first time off the pavement.  Don't be afraid to take some side trails and explore a little. 

Popular Strava segments:
Buena Speed Loop
NICA drag strip
Andrews to Cherokee

Cochise Vista Trail

Cochise Vista Bicycle Trail
Family Friendly Paved
23 miles
781 ft elevation

Starts at Cherokee Lot

A great way to see Sierra Vista on the popular Cochise Vista Trail. Add some detours or cut it short. Turn around at Ramsey Canyon Rd if you want to skip the last climb up the Newman Trail.

Popular Strava segments:
Xavier DOWN
Guilio Cesare - South
Ramsey Repeat Warm Up

Watch for more Local Rides here.

Local Rides content Copyright © SLTWO - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission

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3880 E Fry Blvd
Sierra Vista AZ 85635
Phone: 520 458 0685

Tuesday-Saturday 9am-5pm
Closed Sunday and Monday

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